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- Governors | captainwebb
Our School Governing Body What do our school governors do? Governors are volunteers who are responsible for overseeing the management side of a school: strategy, policy, budgeting and staffing. They enable our school to run as effectively as possible, working alongside senior leaders and supporting teachers to provide excellent education to children. Being a school governor is a commitment to attending governing body meetings which consider issues such as setting the school vision, mitigating financial risk and scrutinising educational outcomes. They are also involved in our school community, acting as critical friends to the headteacher and senior leaders. Governors bring a wide range of skills and expertise from their professional lives to the governing board and we benefit greatly from working with these skilled volunteers, for example some of our governors have experience of finance, safeguarding, school management and human resources. A governor with business know-how can transform the running of a school. Core governor responsibilities Setting the strategic direction Governing bodies are the key strategic decision makers in every school. Along with the Head Teacher, it is the job of our governing body to set the school’s aims and objectives around how the school will develop and improve. They set the policies, formulate plans and agree targets to help our school achieve these objectives, as well as regularly reviewing their strategic framework in light of that progress. Creating robust accountability The governing body is there to support and challenge our school’s senior leadership team. They play a crucial role in holding our Head Teacher to account for securing the best possible outcomes for our pupils. By challenging key decisions and asking pertinent questions about the school’s performance data, our governors aim to guarantee high standards in education. Ensuring financial probity Governing bodies have a strategic role in the financial management of schools. Their key responsibilities include, setting financial priorities through the school development plan, 3 year financial plan and the annual budget. They also decide on how our school’s delegated budget should be spent in accordance with the school improvement plan and statutory curriculum requirement. How does our Governing Body work? Governing body meetings We hold full governing body meetings twice a term (we no longer have separate committees). We send out all the supporting documentation a week prior to these meeting to allow Governors to have time to read and familiarise themselves with the paperwork. It also gives them time to raise any questions they might have, and challenge the information provided. Whilst there are many important aspects of the role of a governor, the most important is the business that takes place at these meetings. School visits Our Governing body is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of our school and its curriculum. School visits help our governors to understand more about the school and the reality of school life. Governor visits to classrooms are not a form of inspection but serve as a clear monitoring function on the implementation of the school’s strategic planning. Governor visits are encouraged. Link Governors The Headteacher, with the support of her leadership team, draft a school development plan (every September). This document examines all the areas in the school, which require additional focus, to ensure the best possible outcomes for all the children. The development plan is created from children's progress data, reviews by the School Improvement Partner, the Ofsted report, and general observance of the school in action. The Governors have the responsibility of ensuring this plan is effectively targeted, and that the school performs the actions that are needed. To help the full governing body with this duty each governor is assigned a role linked specifically to each area of the development plan, and it is this Link Governors duty to report back their observations and findings to the full governors. A copy of the development plan can be found here . Below are several documents detailing who are governors are, how they were elected and the duration of their service, the code of conduct which they must follow, the rules of the meetings and decision making processes, and the dates the meetings will be held. Best Value Statement 24.25 Read More Governors Meeting Dates 2024.25 Read More Register of Business Interests and Governor Information Form 23.24 Read More Statement of Roles and Responsibilities & Delegated Limits 24.25 Read More Governors Terms of Reference 24.25 Read More Governors Code of Conduct 24.25 Read More
- Geography | captainwebb
Geography Curriculum Statement Intent Our intent is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that allows them to develop as confident responsible citizens equipped with the skills that will allow them to be successful in our ever-changing world, both in the present and the future. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives. We constantly provide enrichment opportunities (memorable experiences) to engage learners and develop their cultural capital which has been recognised as essential if children are to succeed. We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge, foster a love of learning and leave our school with exceptional independent learning skills. We are fully committed to developing each child's unique potential within a secure and caring environment. We use our Captain Webb Values to promote positive attitudes to learning: Listen Encourage Achieve Respect Nurture Within geography, we believe that children should develop an understanding, and love of, the world around them. Our geography curriculum is designed to encourage children to ask and enquire about the natural and the human world. Throughout their time at Captain Webb, children are given opportunities to explore the world around them through memorable experience visits and fieldwork. These experiences, along with lessons within school, ignite an enthusiasm to learn. Geography is embedded in the processes and people around us that form our environment. At Captain Webb, we want our pupils to develop a deep understanding of the natural and human environments, alongside an understanding of the physical and human processes which form these. By providing pupils with the key knowledge, we enable them to develop the skills required to understand and navigate our world. Implementation Our pupils leave Captain Webb with all of the knowledge and skills required to be competent and enthusiastic geographers. Our curriculum has been rigorously planned to ensure that the knowledge children have is built upon not only each year, but each term and within every geography lesson. Knowledge within our geography curriculum is split into locational, place, human and physical. These are mapped out across the year groups to ensure progression. From this knowledge, children can also develop the key skills in each strand of the geography curriculum. These skills are applied during fieldwork both on site and during memorable experience visits. Children carry out fieldwork in every year at Captain Webb. Not only does this develop their geographical skills, but also their understanding of the world around them. Based on their fieldwork, children produce maps which also develops their sense of the key concepts of place, space and environment. Geography at Captain Webb is taught through blocks which supports children to develop mastery of the subject. Children working at greater depth are able to revisit their learning and delve deeper into the topic. At the beginning of each topic, initial assessments are completed to determine prior knowledge and ensure that progression is consistent. Children also ask 6 ‘big questions’ about their topic to inform teachers’ planning and guarantee that learning is driven by children’s interests. This further develops their enthusiasm for the topic. Impact As well as monitoring of attainment, the impact of effective geography teaching is clear in the children’s ability to apply their knowledge to fieldwork in each year group. The impact of geography is also evident within the opportunities we provide to develop cultural capital. We do this across the curriculum and throughout the school by: Investing in digital mapping technology to help children develop a sense of place and scale. Incorporating memorable experiences into every topic, which allow exploration of people and landscapes Fieldwork in the local area Topics regarding current global issues, such as climate change and plastic in the oceans A residential visit to France, enabling pupils to experience differing cultures Geography Policy 2024.25 Geography SEND Geography Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans
- Phonics | captainwebb
Phonics Curriculum Statement What is Phonics? Phonics is the method of teaching reading through the identification of sounds and graphemes. All words are made up of individual sounds. These sounds are merged together to form words. e.g. in ‘mat’ we have the sounds ‘m’, ‘a’, ‘t’, ship – ‘sh’, ‘i’, ‘p’. A grapheme is another name for the letters we use to write the sound. The spelling of that sound on the page. The new National Curriculum ensures that all children are taught Phonics systematically. This gives your children the tools to read any word. What is Read Write Inc? At Captain Webb, we use Read, Write, Inc. an inclusive synthetic phonic programme to teach our children to read, to write and to spell. We have adopted this as our whole school approach as the programme facilitates a graduated and tailored approach to learning basic sounds and letter formation before advancing to more complex sounds and reading for comprehension. The programme moves with integrity from learning to read to reading to learn. This video, taken from the Ruth Miskin website, explains the scheme in more detail: Teaching Phonics at Captain Webb We start teaching the programme in your child’s Reception year and then continue until they have worked their way through the whole reading scheme. Our aim is for all children to complete the programme by the end of the first half term of Year 2. Those children who have not reached the expected level by the time they leave KS1 will continue to access the RWI programme and receive additional targeted intervention to ensure they catch up with their peers. RWI is taught through daily phonic lessons where we teach sounds. Children practise reading and spelling words containing these sounds, then we give children decodable books containing sounds and words they can read. They read each storybook four times at school and again with you at home. We assess all children on the scheme every half term, to ensure that they are placed in the appropriate group for their reading ability. This also allows us to quickly identify any children who need some support to access the learning at the level of the group. If this arises, we provide one-to-one tutoring for the child in accordance with the Read, Write, Inc scheme, to help them make rapid progress and once again be at the level of their group. Groups are taught by either teachers or teaching assistants who have had Read, Write, Inc phonics training; in utilising so many staff, we can ensure that groups are kept as small as possible and that the teaching the children receive is tailored to their needs. To find out more information on the half termly progress expectations for Phonics, please click on the link below. Half Termly Progress Expectations - Phonics In Reception, children begin by learning the Set 1 sounds. Set 1 Sounds are taught in the following order together with rhymes to help children form the letters correctly and instantly recognise sounds ready for blending. For the set 1 handwriting rhymes please click on this link. Handwriting Rhymes They also begin learning to blend sounds together to make words after learning the first 5 sounds, firstly through practising oral blending, also known as Fred Talk. Then, when they can blend independently, they progress on to reading green words. As soon as children can read green words, they begin to read stories in their Read, Write, Inc sessions. Each storybook is matched to the sounds they can already read, which sets them up for success and helps to build their confidence with reading. Each colour set also contains 5 non-fiction texts It is through these storybooks that we teach children red words, which are irregular words that are not phonetically plausible and cannot be sounded out (Fred Talked). Each storybook is taught in the same way, with children practising reading the green words in the story and also the red words, before they begin to read the book. Children will then read the book several times to help build their fluency and comprehension skills. Order of Story books: Children will hopefully follow the order listed below. The expectation is that all children will leave Year One as confident speedy readers, ready to take on the challenges of Year Two. However, some children may need extra support and your teacher will talk to you about this. Books Green Words in Books Red Ditty 1-10 Read More Green 1-10 Read More Purple 1-10 Read More Pink 1-10 Read More Orange 1-12 Read More Yellow 1-10 Read More Blue 1-10 Read More Grey 1-13 Read More When the children move on to Green story books, they will begin to learn Set 2 Sounds – the long vowels. When they are very confident with all of set 1 and 2 they are taught Set 3 Sounds. Speed Sounds Set 3 Nonsense Words also known as alien Words As well as learning to read and blend real words children will have plenty of opportunities to apply their sound recognition skills on reading ‘Nonsense words also known as alien words’. These words will also feature heavily in the Year One Phonics Screening check in the summer term. To find out more about the Year 1 Phonics Screening check please click on this link. Spelling Spelling will only start in Reception when children are ready to write and form their letters. Children will use first use ‘Fred fingers’ to first sound out a word before they write it down. Children learn how to spell rather than just get tested. Furthermore, this way of teaching spellings allows children to use Fred fingers whenever they get stuck with spelling a word. Children pinch each sound on fingers before writing the word. What can you do to help? 1. Use pure sounds, not letter names We teach using pure sounds. We pronounce the sounds clearly, using pure sounds (‘m’ not’ muh’, ’s’ not ‘suh’, etc.) so that your child will be able to blend the sounds together to make words more easily. To hear how to pronounce sounds correctly, watch the following video. 2. Use Fred Talk to read and spell words (see above) 3. Listen to your child read their Storybook every day. 4. Read aloud a variety of stories to your child every day. Our school library has a wonderful selection of picture books, speak to our admin team about loaning out books to read at home. You can access online resources (see below) where there are tips and videos to give you more information to help you to understand more about Phonics, Read Write Inc. and how to practise reading and writing with your child at home. Online resources available Ruth Miskin Parents’ Page: Ruth Miskin Facebook: Free e-books for home reading:
- EAL | captainwebb
EAL - English as an additional language What is EAL in education Teaching English as an Additional Language involves supporting learners to access a mainstream curriculum taught in English. For those learners, English is not their first language – they are acquiring proficiency in the language while also learning subjects through English (Sharples, 2021). Who might be an EAL learner There are various contexts in which EAL provisions are offered. At Captain Webb we may provide such provision for learners arriving from abroad (such as children of migrants, refugees, etc), or perhaps to learners who speak a language or languages other than English at home and therefore need some support to acquire this additional language. What is “EAL provision” in practice Accessing the curriculum EAL learners need support to access curriculum content that is delivered in English. Typically, they are learning the same content as other learners. Gaps in language knowledge may be barriers to accessing content due to their current level of English. The role of an EAL specialist teacher is to identify those gaps and to support learners in overcoming them. Those gaps could relate to any skill (reading, listening, speaking…), or system (vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation), and are not mutually exclusive. The EAL teacher works alongside the class teachers. They help learners to access subject content “in the moment” during class. In practice, that might mean clarifying instructions, supporting with a reading text, teaching and concept checking keywords for the topic, or providing sentence stems or ‘process language’ to help learners articulate their thoughts… At a planning level, the EAL teacher may adapt content to make it more accessible. For example, they might grade a text or use text enhancement techniques to draw attention to important features of the language, bring accompanying visuals to build context, create scaffolded tasks to help learners process the content, create consolidation tasks, provide graphic organisers to help record learning, plan tasks to help develop learners’ knowledge of word formation, and so much more. Developing general communication skills EAL support is not just about accessing the academic aspects of a curriculum. EAL learners may also need to develop their general level of communication in English, which can help them on a day-to-day basis. School is a place for building friendships, expressing oneself, developing interests, and much more besides just acquiring academic skills and qualifications. In order to better integrate into a school community, EAL learners need to feel confident to communicate in and out of the classroom. The role of an EAL teacher is also to facilitate learners in developing such skills. EAL Policy 2024.25
- School Finances | captainwebb
Finanse Szkoły Budżet delegowany rządu Szkoły Podstawowej im. Kapitana Webba: Poniżej znajduje się link do usługi analizy porównawczej finansowej DfE Schools. Ta strona pozwoli Ci ocenić, w jaki sposób wydajemy przydzielony budżet i jak skuteczne są te wydatki w zapewnianiu najlepszych wyników dla naszych uczniów. Możesz również skorzystać z informacji podanych na tej stronie, aby zobaczyć, jak porównujemy dochody i wydatki z innymi podobnymi placówkami edukacyjnymi. Schools Financial Benchmarking Site Konto Funduszu Szkoły Podstawowej im. Kapitana Webba: Poniżej znajduje się kopia najnowszych kont konta School Fund Account. Na tym koncie zarządzamy wszystkimi dochodami rodziców, zebranymi pieniędzmi i darowiznami na rzecz szkoły Financial Policies Attendance Policy - Sept 24 - Sept 25 Read More School Fund Audit (Sep 22 to Aug 23) Read More Governors and Staff Allowance Policy - Nov 23 - Nov 24 Read More Unreasonable Complaints Policy - Nov 21 Read More Debt Policy - Nov 23 - Nov 24 Read More Complaints Policy - Oct 21 Read More Gifts and Hospitality Policy - Oct 21 Read More Charges and Remissions Policy - Oct 23 - Oct 24 Read More We are required to publish the following information: How many school emloyees (if any) have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more in increments of £10,000. Annual Salary Number of Staff £100,000 – £110,000 0 £110,000 – £120,000 0 £120,000 – £130,000 0
- Artsmark | captainwebb
Over the past two years we have been working towards achieving a prestigious Artsmark Award which recognises a settings contribution towards the arts. We are delighted to announce that during half term we found out that we have been awarded an Artsmark Gold Award. The Artsmark Award is the only creative quality standard for schools, accredited by Arts Council England. It supports schools to develop and celebrate arts and cultural education, putting creativity and wellbeing at the heart of the curriculum. Artsmark ensures every young person can be creative and access a diverse, high-quality cultural education. We have seen a huge impact upon both children and staff at Captain Webb with initiatives such as Indian drumming on World Music Day as well as extra-curricular dance clubs. Here is some of the feedback we were given by the Artsmark assessors: “You clearly value the arts and recognise their contribution to supporting your pupils' emotional well-being and self-confidence.” “You have used your Artsmark journey to develop children's cultural capital by commissioning various theatre groups, including Loud Mouth Theatre, Hobgoblin Theatre Company and Image Theatre Company, so that every child has enjoyed watching live performances.” “Music is a growing strength within your overall arts offer with lessons provided by specialist music teachers throughout the whole school, including EYFS sessions delivered by 'Music Minors.” “It is great to hear that you are beginning to develop pupil voice through your Arts Committee, and that they have relished the opportunity to work with your new partner, 'Primary Workshops' to plan and deliver Indian drumming workshops throughout the school in celebration of World Music Day.” “Teachers' confidence has increased because of working alongside music specialists. They have also strengthened their fine art skills by participating in training on the use of sketch books, led by Go Sketch.” “Clearly, the dance club specifically for boys was also a successful initiative, with their performance at a local theatre supporting positive learning behaviours.” Captain Webb Primary - Arts Mark Statement of Impact Captain Webb Primary - Arts Mark Statement of Commitment
- Enrichment at Captain Webb | captainwebb
Enrichment Experiences At Captain Webb our curriculum is designed to instil high aspirations in all of our children and to encourage them to become resilient, life long learners who embrace challenges and continue to grow. Our children will be inspired to follow whichever path they choose whilst being well-rounded, conscientious citizens of our community as well as understanding how they can be global citizens. Our 6C values, understanding of SMSC and British Values enrich and underpin our curriculum to ensure Captain Webb children are prepared and equipped to succeed in their futures in an ever changing world. Our curriculum gives children opportunities to develop enquiring minds and a life long love of learning. We believe in celebrating every success and preparing our children for the future. We pride ourselves on giving our children a range of experiences to bring their learning to life, from hands on workshops, performances and trips to our two residentials a year including our Y6 trip to France, where we see our children develop and become ready for the next step in their journey. Please find below an overview of our enrichment opportunities. Pupil Voice: How would you describe our curriculum at Captain Webb Primary? Pupil Voice: How would you describe our educational visits at Captain Webb Primary? CURRICULUM SUBJECTS >
- MFL | captainwebb
MFL Curriculum Statement Intent Our intent is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that allows them to develop as confident responsible citizens equipped with the skills that will allow them to be successful in our ever-changing world, both in the present and the future. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives. We constantly provide enrichment opportunities (memorable experiences) to engage learners and develop their cultural capital which has been recognised as essential if children are to succeed. We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge, foster a love of learning and leave our school with exceptional independent learning skills. We are fully committed to developing each child's unique potential within a secure and caring environment. We use our Captain Webb Values to promote positive attitudes to learning: Listen Encourage Achieve Respect Nurture Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures. The 2014 National Curriculum for Modern Foreign Languages Appendix A aims to ensure that all children receive: A high-quality languages education which should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. Teaching should enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. At Captain Webb we are committed to ensuring that teaching enables pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. We recognise that competence in another language enables children to interpret, create and exchange meaning within and across cultures. We believe that by teaching MFL we provide the foundation for learning further languages, as well as the means to access international opportunities for study and work later in life. The teaching of French in KS2 provides an appropriate balance of spoken and written language and lays the foundations for further foreign language teaching at KS3. Implementation At Captain Webb we teach French as this is the first language that our feeder secondary schools start with and the language that staff are most familiar with. Children are introduced to French in the EYFS through basic classroom routines. Throughout KS1, children are included in participating in special occasions such as World French Day. This enables the children to develop early language acquisition skills that facilitate their understanding of the patterns of language and how these are similar to , or differ from English. In KS2, French is taught to each class during a weekly timetabled lesson of 45 minutes. Lessons throughout KS2 support the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing whilst in addition learning about Francophone cultures. Children are taught skills to enable them to listen attentively and respond by joining in with rhymes, games and songs. We emphasise the speaking and listening skills over the reading and writing skills. We follow the primary MFL Scheme of work for French provided by La Jolie Ronde which thus ensures coverage and progression across school. Knowledge and skills in French are mapped out across the school from Year 3 – Year 6. At the beginning of a new unit of learning, children have the opportunity to recall prior learning as well as what they would like to find out. This informs the programme of study and also ensures that lessons are relevant and take account of children’s different starting points. Children develop an appreciation of a variety of stories, poems, rhymes and songs (particularly action songs). These are delivered through the curriculum content, as well as through using a variety of native French speakers through the aid of recordings. As confidence grows children are encouraged to record their work through pictures, captions and sentences. Cross curricular links have been identified in PE, music, art and DT, and are taken advantage of in order to deepen learning. In Year 6, children have the opportunity to visit France in order to experience a different language and culture. An After School Club provides children with the experience of learning about Francophone cultures in a fun environment. We believe introducing a physical element into some games serves to reinforce memory. Impact We believe that by the time our children leave our school: Children will be able to communicate with adults and each other in French. Children will have become aware that a language has a structure, and that the structure differs from one language to another having developed their language through the four key skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Children will learn how the language skills acquired can be applied to a range of different languages. Children will have developed an understanding of Francophone customs and cultures consequently having further respect for others. Children will increase their self-esteem. Children will transfer to KS3 effectively and successfully and will be well prepared to continue and develop their language skills. MFL Policy 2024.25 MFL Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans MFL SEND Read More Year 3 - Medium Term Plans Read More Year 4 - Medium Term Plans Read More Year 5 - Medium Term Plans Read More Year 6 - Medium Term Plans
- Reading | captainwebb
Reading Curriculum Statement Reading Curriculum Statement Intent At Captain Webb, we value reading as a key life skill and are dedicated to enabling our pupils to become lifelong readers. We want all of our children to be confident fluent readers who read widely, read often, read for pleasure and read to learn. We want them to be exposed to a variety of literature, genres and authors. We believe that the teaching of reading is integral to a child’s understanding and appreciation of the world around them. We aim to provide children with experiences that will lead to rich language development so that at the end of their primary education with us, they are empowered with a breadth of vocabulary that they can build on in their future prospects. Our reading curriculum strives to foster a love for reading and we believe that that all children should experience an abundance of quality, engaging texts across the curriculum. We want reading to be the golden thread running through a child’s journey at Captain Webb. When they leave us, we want pupils to possess the reading skills and love of literature which will help them to enjoy and access any aspects of learning they encounter in the future. Implementation (Planning an inclusive curriculum). Our inclusive knowledge-based curriculum plans for success. We teach the National Curriculum, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. This enables our pupils to know more and remember more. End points within objectives are identified for each year group through a whole school reading progression plan. Please click the link below for further information. We feel passionately that developing a love of reading from an early age will benefit our children hugely: personally, socially and educationally. Therefore, reading is at the heart of everything we do. Through the use of carefully chosen texts, we expose our children to literature that will spark their passions and develop a love of English. Click the link below to find out the rationale behind our Reading curriculum. Phonics & Reading Through the delivery of our reading curriculum we ensure a consistent and robust teaching and learning of early reading and phonics in the Early Years and Key Stage One, so that pupils are able to read with increased speed and fluency and access the wider curriculum. We follow the Read, Write Inc Phonics programme; a systematic, synthetic phonics scheme that is validated by the Department for Education. Skilled staff deliver daily sessions to ensure rapid progression. Children’s progress through the scheme is assessed continuously to ensure that gaps are addressed quickly and effectively. Books that children read match their level of phonetic knowledge. Skilled reading depends on both fluency and phonic knowledge alongside language comprehension. For more information on the teaching of Phonics, please click on the link below which will transfer you to our Phonics curriculum page. Reading Knowledge and Skills 24 - 25 Whole School Reading Spine 24 - 25 Phonics Curriculum Once children have graduated from the RWI scheme, and are able to decode accurately and speedily, reading a lot is the principal way they develop as readers. Putting in the ‘reading miles’ allows pupils to practise their reading, building experience with increasingly complex texts, encountering new knowledge, gaining new language, including vocabulary, and developing their fluency. Over the course of year 2 and into key stage 2, the focus of the teaching of reading therefore shifts from decoding towards ensuring pupils get this print experience and support with spoken language, both through teacher-led whole class reading sessions and independent reading. Children explore a broad range of challenging texts including fiction, non-fiction and poetry by having purposeful and in-depth discussions with the teacher and their peers to enable them to access the vocabulary, themes and content. Please click on the Year 2 and KS2 reading long term overview below to find out more about the texts your child will be reading. Year 2 & KS2 Reading Overview KS2 Reading Learning Sequence Book Warmers At the beginning of our reading units, we explore the main themes, contexts and background information to help the pupils have a foundational understanding of the text before they begin reading. For example, when the text was written, any settings / countries the text takes place and any cultural and social conventions that may be outlined within a text. These introductory sessions are called 'book warmers' and the pupils have an opportunity to read facts and information about the text as well as use iPADs to access QR codes that link to webpages to further videos and explanations. Most importantly, the book warmers will introduce the pupils to tier 3 vocabulary (subject specific words) that they will come across in subsequent lessons. Vocabulary Lab The teaching of vocabulary is at the forefront of all our daily reading lessons. Tier 2 and tier 3 vocabulary is identified within texts and definitions are provided with picture examples to enhance pupil's understanding of these words. The vocabulary is explored and discussed as the pupil's read to enhance pupil's language development and comprehension. Teaching Prosody All reading sessions focus on improving reading fluency and pupils will listen to the teachers read aloud with expression and intonation. The pupils are taught prosody through a variety of fluency strategies such as echo read, choral read and reader's theatre. They have daily opportunities to re-read the text on their own or with a partner. Fluent and expressive reading (prosody!) is inextricably linked to comprehension. Why? Because prosody helps children build a more complete and accurate picture of what’s being conveyed on the page. How we adapt the pace, emphasis, phrasing and intonation of our reading helps communicate the broader and deeper meaning of what we read. Recent research from the EEF backs this up, finding that prosodic reading improves a child’s comprehension and overall literacy achievement in school. The pupils also have an opportunity to re-read the text at home as part of their reading homework. Understanding of the text On day 1 of our 2 day sequence, the teacher ask questions and models thought processes as they read to enhance pupil's comprehension. The dialogic talk between the adult and pupils is a priority for this session, the teacher explicitly teaches comprehension skills relevant to the extract. These specific comprehension skills are taught using VIPERS reading domains (vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summary) On day 2 of our sequence, the teacher models the answering of written comprehension questions based on the extract they have previously read on day one. Teachers plan questions focusing on mixed domains. Pupils complete the questions independently. Quick Quiz and Summarise The reading lessons also include quick quizzes with the focus predominantly upon the quick recall of key facts/key information. (retrieval questions) The pupils talk with a partner to talk about what has happened, what they already know and summarise any key events or facts. Daily Story Time We place reading at the heart of the curriculum, so it is prioritised allowing pupils to access the full curriculum offer. All pupils receive daily story time sessions with an adult modelling fluency and intonation. The pupils listen to a wide range of stories that have all been carefully selected and chosen for their year groups. All texts are outlined in our whole school reading spine, at the top of this webpage. Puffin Keeper Book Warmer Reading for Pleasure Embedding a school culture that values and supports reading for pleasure is extremely important to us. Pupils develop a love of reading; a broad knowledge of authors and understand more about the world in which they live to widen their horizons and raise their aspirations. To enable this, we set aside time for pupils to enjoy and read books independently, discuss texts they are reading and share recommendations. The love2read session is timetabled for all classes once a week and also sets time for pupils to visit our newly refurbished school library. The children can enjoy the freedom of enjoying texts in a tranquil, child centred environment. All classrooms have attractive book corners where the children have access to 100 quality books, both fiction, non-fiction and poetry books to help embed their love of books, stories and reading. Around school, you will find displays which celebrate authors - including our author of the term displays, pupil’s favourite books, authors and recommended reads. Reading across the curriculum Reading is prioritised across our broad and balanced curriculum allowing pupils to read and understand all subjects. Pupils are also expected to read in other subjects to access new information and build their subject knowledge. This reading will also contribute to reading miles and fluency. All subject areas have a recommended text list for all year groups attached to their subject curriculum map. Poetry and Rhymes Through sharing, reading, writing and performing rhymes and poems, we aim to build children’s emotional connection to language and the world around us. Poems are used throughout our curriculum to develop vocabulary, fluency and prosody, imagination and empathy. We also encourage children to review poetry – to form opinions about their own likes and dislikes and to understand and explain their preferences and respect the thoughts and feelings of others. We are committed as a school to developing a love of reading and to reading aloud each day. Alongside our class reading texts, we have four class poetry books to be shared throughout the year. Of course, teachers can add to the core books to further develop children’s exposure and enjoyment of poetry. We have identified a core set of poems for each year group. Each year group will learn by heart poems to be performed for assembly or to be shared with parents or visitors. Children will also be encouraged to revisit poems previously learnt. Each year group will also study a varied selection of poems during guided reading lessons, where vocabulary and meaning can be explored and explained, together with the development of children’s wider reading skills. Poetry also forms part of our writing curriculum and each year group has different forms of poetry to explore and create. This allows children the opportunity to learn more about particular structures of poetry and allows them to write their own poems using a wide range of poetic devices. Children are encouraged to perform their own poetry alongside the poems learnt by their year group. We also seek opportunities throughout the year for children to watch or hear poets reciting and discussing their own work. Please see our Poetry Curriculum Map for further information. Poetry Curriculum 24 - 25 Assessment At all stages, reading attainment is assessed to ensure that gaps are addressed quickly and effectively so that pupils’ progress is accelerated. Targeted support and intervention for reading is a priority – we have a dedicated reading team who ensure any child falling or a risk of falling behind their peers is identified. RWI Fast Track tutoring breaks phonics into small steps to support every child with decoding, including those with SEND. There is a sharp focus on ensuring pupils gain fluency and phonic knowledge alongside language comprehension as modelled by the Scarborough Reading Rope (2001). In KS2, reading fluency is assessed at the beginning of each half term using oral reading fluency (ORF) measures. ORF assessments measure reading rate and accuracy and are expressed in terms of the number of words read correctly per minute (wcpm). On average, pupils should read at least 90 words per minute. Any pupils who require further support with their reading fluency are provided with additional reading practice. During this interventions, the pupils re-read passages using strategies such as echo read and timed reads. Our aim is to ensure all pupils leave our school fluent, confident readers as we know oral reading fluency has consistently been found to have a high correlation with reading comprehension. During whole class reading sessions, formative assessment takes place daily, while termly summative assessment takes place in the form of NFER testing which allows analysis of gaps in comprehension knowledge to be quickly addressed. All pupils are also assessed on their reading of the common exception words for their year group. Please see the spelling curriculum page for these word lists. How do we enrich the curriculum? Book recommendation boards are displayed throughout school to inform pupils of new and popular texts across the age ranges. The children are given the opportunity to loan these books from Mrs Passey and write reviews on these books for our school newsletter. At Captain Webb, we also have a range of opportunities within the academic year to further enhance reading opportunities for our children. Regular trips to the local library, engaging with national reading events including World Book Day, Roald Dahl Day and National Poetry day. Each year we invite external theatre companies into school to deliver whole school productions and drama workshops for our pupils, recent examples of which are Christmas Carol and Jack and the Beanstalk. We have also had Dance workshops based on 'Bringing Books to Life'. Year 3 story focus was Charlie and the chocolate factory, Year 4 focus was Alice in Wonderland and Year 5 focus was The Jungle Book. How can you help your child? EYFS and KS1 To support their reading journey your child will bring home two books home. The first book will be a fully decodable book matched to your child’s phonic knowledge. When your child is in the early stages of learning to read you can help by encouraging them to sound out the letters in words and then to ‘blend’ the sounds together to make a whole word. Please refer to the Phonics Curriculum page on the school website for further support on early reading strageties. The second book will be a picture book for you to share at bedtime. This is an opportunity to share a love of reading with your child, talk about the story and offer opinions. KS2 All pupils in KS2 will bring home a copy of their whole class novel to read at home. The class teacher will provide information in regards to homework expectations for reading the guided reading text. E.g. We would like you to read chapters 1 – 3 tonight. We also encourage all pupils to loan books from our school library to enjoy at home. In response to a recent parent's survey, we will also be sending home an additional text from our 100 books for our pupils to read at home. The school’s Homework Policy states that all children are expected to read at home every day. This is for a maximum of 10 minutes. Reading regularly at home helps to develop children’s reading skills. Making the time to talk to your children about the books they choose and listening to them reading aloud regularly can make all the difference. Children need to understand why we read. They need to experience the range of feelings that a book can create or the power that can be gained from accessing information. Reading must not only be confined to stories. Many children love reading comics, magazines, newspapers, information books and poetry. All of these reading activities should be encouraged. Children in Key Stage 2 will all be at very different stages of development, but even for the most fluent readers there is a need for parental support. Most parents or carers are able to create quality time to share a book individually with one child. This is the time when children can develop a much deeper understanding of the books that they are reading. Rather than reading at home being ‘reading practice’, it should extend and enrich the reading experiences of school. One of the most powerful ways in which parents can do this is to show real enthusiasm themselves. Your sense of excitement about books and stories, your anticipation about what will happen next in a story and a discussion about your own likes and dislikes, will greatly influence your child. Teachers will check the Home School Reading Record daily and record for our end of term reading rewards including books, book vouchers or an author visit . This year we celebrated National Poetry Day with a very special guest. A well-known poet called James Carter. He worked with all year groups to create different types of poetry including rhyme, similes, kennings and cinquains. Please see the video clips below of our wonderful work. Impact By the time children leave Captain Webb, they are competent readers who can recommend books to their peers, have a thirst for reading a range of genres including poetry, and participate in discussions about books, including evaluating an author’s use of language and the impact this can have on the reader. They can also read books to enhance their knowledge and understanding of all subjects on the curriculum, and communicate their research to a wider audience. ‘I go to Phonics every day to learn my sounds. I can now read words and I’ve just moved to Yellow phonics books.’ – Year 1 pupil. ‘I’ve read many books since I’ve been at Captain Webb. Some of my favourite texts are Stig of the Dump by Clive King, Harry Potter by JK Rowling and Street Child by Berlie Doherty.’ –Year 6 pupil. ‘This year, I’ve enjoyed reading lots of different non-fiction texts. I’m currently reading a non-fiction text on the heart and circulatory system which has helped me answer questions in Science.’ Year 5 pupil. Attainment in reading is measured using statutory assessments such as the end of EYFS and Key Stage 2 and following the outcomes in the Year 1 Phonics Screening check. Assessment data shows that.. 90% of children passed the Year 1 Phonics Screening check in 2023. 72% reached ARE at KS2 with 28% reaching greater depth. The impact of this implementation was also noted in our 2019 OFSTED: The teaching of reading is done very well. Staff are trained in how to teach phonics and daily routines and systems make sure everyone gets what they need. Whether reading in class or at home, staff check that pupils have books they understand. If any pupil needs a helping hand, adults find extra time straight away and this stops them from falling behind. As pupils’ confidence grows, teachers introduce them to new books and authors. Most days, teachers read to the class during ‘page-turner time’. They encourage pupils to talk about books and share their views. Reading Policy 24-25
- Science | captainwebb
Science Curriculum Statement Intent Our intent is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting, and empowering curriculum that allows them to develop as confident responsible citizens equipped with the skills that will allow them to be successful in our ever-changing world, both in the present and the future. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative, and enquiring time in our lives. We constantly provide enrichment opportunities (memorable experiences) to engage learners and develop their cultural capital which has been recognised as essential if children are to succeed. We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge, foster a love of learning and leave our school with exceptional independent learning skills. We are fully committed to developing each child's unique potential within a secure and caring environment. We use our Captain Webb Values to promote positive attitudes to learning: Listen Encourage Achieve Respect Nurture At Captain Webb, our intention is to provide a high-quality science education that provides children with the foundations they need to recognise the importance of science in every aspect of daily life. As one of the core subjects taught in primary schools, we give the teaching and learning of science the prominence and relevance it requires. Through science learning, our children have a greater awareness of the role of science in everyday life. Science at Captain Webb ignites pupils' curiosity and offers opportunities to develop their observation, questioning and reasoning skills whilst equipping them with the key knowledge and understanding of the world around them. We intend for our children to think independently and to be life-long learners who are enthused, curious and inquisitive, confident to ask ‘Big Questions’ and who are well prepared for their future in the ever-changing world. Implementation Our pupils leave Captain Webb with all the knowledge and skills required to be curious and confident scientists by embedding a curriculum that helps children foster a healthy curiosity about the world around them. Our curriculum has been planned to ensure that the knowledge children have is built upon not only each year, but each term and within every science lesson. We’ve found that this increases children’s enthusiasm for the topic whilst embedding procedural knowledge into their long-term memory. Knowledge within our science curriculum is taught through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry, and physics. These are mapped out across the year groups to ensure progression. Our knowledge-based curriculum encourages practical exploration and investigation activities, which enable our children to think and behave like scientists. Children understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes. Thus, our curriculum aims to enable pupils to develop enquiring minds with a range of investigative skills. Please see our science knowledge and skills grid, which shows end of year key knowledge and highlights progression through the scientific strands. Science Knowledge and Skills Grid 23.25 - BIOLOGY Science Knowledge and Skills Grid 23.25 - CHEMISTRY Science Knowledge and Skills Grid 23.25 - PHYSICS Science Knowledge and Skills Grid 23.25 - NEW SKILLS Quality texts linked to our science teaching Working scientifically plays an important role in our science planning as it means that children able to obtain key scientific knowledge through practical experiences like using scientific equipment, conducting experiments, and explaining ideas confidently. Below are our BIG science questions that children have the opportunity to explore and answer throughout the year. These show children the range of scientific enquiry methods we can use to investigate scientific phenomena’s. Scientific Enquiry Science at Captain Webb is taught through blocks which supports children to develop mastery of the subject. Children working at greater depth can revisit their learning and delve deeper into the topic. At the beginning of each topic, initial assessments are completed to determine prior knowledge and ensure that progression is consistent. Children also ask 6 ‘big questions’ about their topic to inform teachers’ planning and guarantee that learning is driven by children’s interests. This further develops their enthusiasm for the topic. Our science policy highlights coverage of science unit blocks in each year group, planning and assessment tools. Science Policy 24.25 Impact As well as monitoring of attainment, the impact of effective science teaching is clear in the children’s ability to apply their knowledge to scientific enquiries. The impact of science is also evident within the opportunities we provide to develop cultural capital. We do this across the curriculum and throughout the school by: Organising events such as Science Week or STEM Week, allowing pupils to apply their knowledge and skills to cross-curricular concepts or topics Working closely with local secondary schools, thus demonstrating a love of science work and an interest in further study and work in this field Working collaboratively and practically to investigate and experiment Having butterflies and chicks to assist with real-life learning about life cycles Igniting curiosity through our memorable experiences, including the Wonderdome and Dorothy Clive Gardens Exposing children to a variety of visits where they explore animals and their habitats, including Blue Planet Aquarium, Chester Zoo, and visits from the Exotic Zoo Visiting a theme park so pupils can experience forces in a real-life context Numerous visits to the local area to widen children’s understanding of the area around them
- Ofsted | captainwebb
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- SEN and Disabilities | captainwebb
Specjalne potrzeby edukacyjne: oferta szkolna Inclusion in Our School In the Spring term of 2024, all of our school stakeholders worked together to build a shared definition of inclusion in our school. This is what they decided: “At Captain Webb Primary School, inclusion means we are always changing our school and the way we work so that everyone in our community can be present, participate and achieve. We work hard to reduce exclusion from the learning, culture and community of our school. It involves the constant restructuring of our cultures, policies and practices so they respond to the changing diversity of students”. W Captain Webb naszym głównym celem jest zapewnienie inkluzywnego programu nauczania, który jest zróżnicowany i uwzględnia potrzeby dziecka oraz możliwość umożliwienia dostępu do wszystkich obszarów programu nauczania, zgodnie z ich rówieśnikami. Wierzymy, że można to z powodzeniem osiągnąć dzięki starannemu grupowaniu i planowaniu, poinformowane, w razie potrzeby, na podstawie zaleceń agencji zewnętrznych. Rozumiemy, że każde dziecko jest indywidualnością i uczy się na swój własny sposób, a metody nauczania muszą być dostosowane do wszystkich stylów uczenia się. Nasza oferta szkolna podkreśla, co jesteśmy w stanie zapewnić dzieciom z SEND i silnie łączy się z naszą polityką SEN. Identyfikacja: Nasza polityka SEND podkreśla, w jaki sposób dzieci są identyfikowane i ściśle monitorowane, gdy pojawiają się obawy dotyczące specjalnej potrzeby edukacyjnej lub niepełnosprawności. Jest to zgodne z wytycznymi Kodeksu postępowania SEND (2015) i ściśle łączy się z lokalną ofertą Telford i Wrekin Wszelkie obawy dotyczące Twojego dziecka należy najpierw omówić z wychowawcą klasy, który będzie współpracował z SENDco. Wychowawca klasy i SENDco mogą następnie spotkać się z rodzicami, aby omówić sposób, w jaki Twoje dziecko otrzymuje wsparcie i jakie są dalsze kroki. Interwencje: Wczesna interwencja powinna być podstawą szkolnej strategii interwencyjnej – wymaga to od szkoły przeprowadzania bieżących ocen w przedszkolu, żłobku, żłobku i pierwszej klasie oraz śledzenia postępów dzieci. Zaleca się ograniczenie liczby programów interwencyjnych w celu zapewnienia wysokiej jakości programów, dobrego zarządzania i wpływu na osiągnięcia. Fala 1 – Włączające nauczanie w całej klasie Jakość na pierwszym miejscu dla wszystkich dzieci. Skuteczne włączenie wszystkich dzieci w codzienne, wysokiej jakości nauczanie umiejętności czytania i pisania oraz matematyki. Prowadzone przez nauczycieli, wspierane przez TA Fala 2 – Zaopatrzenie ukierunkowane Ukierunkowane świadczenia to świadczenia, które dzieci otrzymają, jeśli osiągną mniej niż oczekiwany postęp w ramach świadczenia pierwszej fali. Może być poinformowany o poradach od agencji zewnętrznych i będzie wymagać mapy rezerw, aby wskazać dokładne interwencje, w tym dane bazowe, aby zapewnić mierzalny postęp. Dzieci mogą otrzymać niektóre z tych interwencji, często w małych grupach, w zależności od ich potrzeb. Prowadzone przez nauczycieli lub zarządzane przez nauczycieli i prowadzone przez TA Fala 3 Zaopatrzenie w Wyższe Potrzeby Zaopatrzenie na wyższe potrzeby to zabezpieczenie, które otrzyma niewielka liczba dzieci, jeśli zaopatrzenie na fali 2 nie pozwoli im na stałe postępy. Będzie on informowany o poradach od agencji zewnętrznych i będzie wymagał szczegółowej, indywidualnej mapy świadczenia, aby wskazać dokładne interwencje, w tym dane bazowe, aby zapewnić mierzalny postęp. Jest to przepis bardzo indywidualny. Prowadzone przez nauczycieli lub zarządzane przez nauczycieli i prowadzone przez TA Cztery obszary potrzeb: W Captain Webb kierujemy się kodeksem postępowania SEN (2014), aby zidentyfikować cztery główne obszary potrzeb. To są: Komunikacja i interakcja Poznanie i nauka Zdrowie społeczne, emocjonalne i psychiczne Rozwój sensoryczny i fizyczny Zdajemy sobie sprawę, że dzieci mogą mieć więcej niż jeden obszar potrzeb i mogą być ze sobą powiązane. Lokalna oferta Telford i Wrekin podkreśla, w jaki sposób władze lokalne starają się zaspokoić potrzeby dzieci z SEND, wyszczególniając zasoby i usługi dostępne dla osób z jakąś formą specjalnych potrzeb edukacyjnych lub niepełnosprawności: Usługi dostępne dla rodziców: W Captain Webb staramy się budować pozytywne, wspierające relacje z rodzicami, aby zapewnić jak najlepsze dla dzieci i ich rodzin. Aby w tym pomóc oferujemy: Terminowe dni konsultacji rodzicielskich Dostępne są spotkania z wychowawcą klasy / SENDco w celu omówienia obaw rodziców Mapy zaopatrzenia udostępniane rodzicom na podstawie semestru oraz omawiane postępy Rodzice są w pełni informowani o wsparciu, jakie dzieci otrzymują w szkole oraz o odwiedzaniu agencji zewnętrznych Możliwości dla rodziców i dzieci do zgłaszania pomysłów i omawiania oferty w szkole Pomysły na wsparcie dzieci w domu Spotkania z SENDco / wychowawcą klasy i rodzicami w celu omówienia zaangażowania agencji z zewnątrz np. po wizycie LSAT Poniższe usługi mogą być pomocne dla rodziców potrzebujących wsparcia: BELKA Oferta lokalna Telford i Wrekin IASS Rodzice otwierają drzwi (POD) Ican2 zajęcia dla dzieci niepełnosprawnych Udział uczniów W Captain Webb wierzymy, że niezwykle ważne jest, aby dzieci były zaangażowane w podejmowanie decyzji dotyczących ich samych oraz decyzji dotyczących całej szkoły. Dzieci są w pełni informowane o swoich celach i zachęca się je do dzielenia się swoimi opiniami na ich temat i przeglądu postępów w ich realizacji. Wszystkie dzieci z rejestru SEND wypełnią również jednostronicowy profil, mówiąc o tym, co jest dla nich ważne, co sprawia im trudność i jak najlepiej uzyskać wsparcie. Uczniowie mają możliwość dołączenia do rady szkolnej, gdzie mogą wyrażać przemyślenia i pomysły swoich kolegów. Rada szkolna spotyka się regularnie, przyjmując sugestie od swoich kolegów z klasy do omówienia na spotkaniach. Uprawnienie do programu nauczania Kodeks praktyki SEN (2015) stanowi: Wszystkie dzieci i młodzież mają prawo do odpowiedniej edukacji, odpowiedniej do ich potrzeb, promującej wysokie standardy i realizację potencjału. Powinno to umożliwić im: • osiągają najlepsze wyniki • stać się pewnymi siebie osobami prowadzącymi satysfakcjonujące życie i • pomyślnie przejść w dorosłość, niezależnie od tego, czy chodzi o zatrudnienie, dalszą lub wyższą edukację czy szkolenie W Captain Webb staramy się zapewnić wszystkim dzieciom dostęp do pełnego programu nauczania, a zróżnicowanie jest kluczowym narzędziem umożliwiającym to. Ocenianie ciągłe pomaga nauczycielom zidentyfikować możliwe obszary trudności, a tym samym określić, w jaki sposób można je zminimalizować, dokonując dostosowań w celu zapewnienia, że program nauczania jest dostępny dla wszystkich. Zaspokajamy dodatkowe potrzeby na różne sposoby, w tym: w klasie wsparcie dla małych grup mała grupa lub wypłata 1-1 indywidualne wsparcie klasowe / indywidualne wycofanie zróżnicowanie zasobów specjalistyczne zasoby Wsparcie pielęgnacyjne Mapa zaopatrzenia całej szkoły ( patrz w załączeniu) oferta szkoły fale interwencji.docx Konkretne udogodnienia i dostęp Dokładamy wszelkich starań, aby wszystkie dzieci miały możliwość dostępu do wszystkich obszarów życia szkolnego, zapewniając, że są w stanie w pełni wykorzystać swój potencjał. We wszystkich budynkach dostępne są udogodnienia dla osób niepełnosprawnych. Poręcze, rampy i staranny wybór sal lekcyjnych zapewniają dostęp dla wszystkich. W razie potrzeby, zasięgniemy porady rodziców i agencji zewnętrznych, aby zapewnić pełne zaspokojenie potrzeb dzieci. Można zastosować zróżnicowanie, zasoby i specjalistyczny sprzęt, aby zapewnić dzieciom dostęp do pełnego programu nauczania. Style uczenia się są głównym elementem planowania lekcji, zapewniając zaspokojenie wszystkich potrzeb. Wszystkie dzieci są włączane we wszystkie obszary życia szkolnego, gdzie potrzebne będą alternatywne sposoby pracy, aby zapewnić wszystkim możliwość uczestnictwa. Z agencjami zewnętrznymi / szkołami współpracuje szkoła W Captain Webb korzystamy z wiedzy wielu zewnętrznych agencji, które wspierają i doradzają, aby pomóc nam zaspokoić potrzeby dzieci zidentyfikowanych jako posiadające WYSYŁANIE. Obejmują one: Zespół Telford i Wrekin SEN Uczciwy panel dostępu Usługa wsparcia zachowania (BSS) Wczesna interwencja Zespół Doradczy ds. Wsparcia Nauczania (LSAT) Psychologia Wychowawcza (EP) Terapeuci mowy i języka (SALT) Terapia zajęciowa (OT) Usługa integracji sensorycznej (SIS) Szkolna pielęgniarka Połączenie rodzinne Bee U zdrowia psychicznego i dobrego samopoczucia Doradcy IASS SENDco również regularnie uczestniczy w spotkaniach dotyczących aktualizacji sieci i współpracuje z innymi SENDco w celu uzyskania porady i wsparcia. Ustalenia dotyczące przejścia Kiedy dziecko przybywa lub opuszcza szkołę Captain Webb, będziemy ściśle współpracować z rodzicami i poprzednim otoczeniem, aby zapewnić dobre zrozumienie potrzeb dziecka i najlepszego wsparcia, w tym kolejnych kroków. Zmieniając zajęcia na początku nowego roku akademickiego, dzieci będą miały kilka dni na przeprowadzkę na spotkanie i zapoznanie się z nowym nauczycielem i ustawieniem klasy. Jeśli uzna to za konieczne, dzieci mogą mieć dodatkowe dni na przeprowadzkę, aby wesprzeć proces i zbudować pewność siebie. Wychowawcy klas będą prowadzić szczegółowe dyskusje na temat dzieci, w tym dzieląc się najnowszą mapą zaopatrzenia i postępami poczynionymi w ciągu roku. Wszystkie dzieci w rejestrze SEND wypełnią również jednostronicowy profil mówiący o tym, co jest dla nich ważne, o ich trudnościach io tym, jak czują, że można je najlepiej wesprzeć. Może być konieczne, aby dziecko miało książeczkę informacyjną o swojej nowej klasie i placówkach, aby porozmawiać o tym z rodziną i w ten sposób zminimalizować niepokój przed rozpoczęciem noworocznej grupy. Przejście do szkoły średniej wymaga bliskiego związku między kapitanem Webbem a nową szkołą. Wszystkie informacje SEND dotyczące dziecka zostaną przesłane do nowej szkoły, a SENDco / wychowawca klasy przeprowadzi dyskusję na temat bieżących potrzeb dziecka i dalszych kroków, w tym najlepszego sposobu wsparcia dziecka. W przypadku dzieci z EHCP zapewniamy, że SENDco ze szkoły przyjmującej zostanie zaproszone na coroczny przegląd semestru letniego, aby uzyskać wgląd i informacje na temat potrzeb dziecka, zapewniając w ten sposób płynne przejście. Przydatne linki: Rada Telford i Wrekin WYŚLIJ kodeks postępowania SEND Policies SEND Information Report - June 23 June 24 Read More Accessibilty Plan Read More SEND Brochure Read More SEND Policy - Jul 24 -Jul 25 Read More SENCO Kontakt: Alison Feeney Gavin Dick Tel: 01952 386770