2 Year Old's (Day Care)
We have a well established curriculum for our 2 year olds, that is planned by our highly professional, experienced and qualified staff who take each opportunity to meet the individual needs of their children. The Pre-School Manager and EYFS Lead Teacher work closely with staff to ensure that planning and delivery is of the highest quality. This close working relationship will also ensure an effective and efficient transition into the rising 3’s room and beyond into reception.
Here at Captain Webb we offer our 2 year olds a range of different experiences that supports their communication and language, physical development and their overall confidence such as, as weekly profession music teacher form ‘Music Minors Company’, a P.E. session with our Cross Bar coaches, weekly sessions in our onsite forest school and a weekly yoga session from our qualified toddler yoga teacher and room leader.
We ensure that our staff: child ratio 1:4 for children aged 2 – 3, and 1:8 for children aged 3 – 4 years are upheld and often exceeded.
What Our Day looks like
9:45 (12:15) – Drop off. This is an opportunity to talk to staff about their children and ensure a calm and happy handover.
9:15 (12:45) – Focus Communication and Language groups. The children will learn to regulate their behaviour, join in with singing and an activity that promotes effective communication and language.
9:30 (1:00) - Dough Disco. This session focuses on the children’s fine motor control.
9:45 (1:15) – Project learning and rolling snack. During this time the staff will open the outdoor environment, run a planned activity and support children to access snack independently and safely. Key workers will also use this time to develop individual’s next steps through an overarching theme which can be found on the overviews bellow.
11:15 (2:45) – Key worker groups. These sessions are specifically planned to meet next steps and therefore could be focused around maths, literacy and always delivered with high quality communication and language at the heart of the session.
11:30 (3:00) – Rhyme time. The 2 year old have specific rhymes that are planned for across the year.
11:45 (3:15) – Home time. This is an additional opportunity for parents to talk to staff about their child. Each parent will receive a daily form which gives specific information about their child’s day.
*We offer a quiet and peaceful environment for any children who are still having naps in the afternoon. These are supervised by a member of staff at all times and a sleep record is kept for each child.
What you will need to provide
Water is always accessible within the room but if you would like to provide your child with a water bottle please ensure it is labelled with their name.
Outdoor clothing and wellies for their forest school day.
Bag of spare clothes (pants, socks, trousers/skirt and top).
Nappies, we do provide wet wipes but if your child requires something specific, please inform the staff. Barrier creams will be applied with permission and will need to be provided by you.
Parents sessions
Across the year we will be inviting parents and carers in for ‘Stay and Play’ sessions, dates are pre-planned and you can find them here . Stay and play sessions are your opportunity to talk to the room staff, look at your child’s learning journey and experiencing project learning opportunities. We often celebrate events in these sessions such as Christmas or valentines day with parents and carers.
This children have a fun non-competitive sports day in the last summer term.

Rolling Snacks
Snack time at our nursery is fun and educational. We try to replicate the family environment with children sitting around the table to encourage conversation and develop physical skills pouring water from jugs and when using the cutlery.
Water, cow’s milk and fresh fruit is provided throughout the day at our snack table (or alternative milk for those with dairy allergies). We change our snack menu daily.