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  • Pupil Premium | captainwebb

    Uczeń Premium Cel premii ucznia Rząd uważa, że ​​premia dla uczniów, która jest dodatkiem do głównego finansowania szkoły, jest najlepszym sposobem na zaradzenie obecnym nierównościom między dziećmi kwalifikującymi się do bezpłatnych posiłków szkolnych (FSM) a ich bogatszymi rówieśnikami poprzez zapewnienie, że środki na przeciwdziałanie niekorzystnej sytuacji dotrą do uczniów którzy najbardziej tego potrzebują. ​ W przypadku uczniów z rodzin o niskich dochodach w placówkach innych niż ogólnodostępne władze lokalne decydują o sposobie przydziału Premii dla Uczniów. Na przykład może być przydzielona do placówki, w której się kształcą, lub w posiadaniu władz lokalnych, aby wydać konkretnie na dodatkowe wsparcie edukacyjne w celu podniesienia poziomu osiągnięć tych uczniów. Władze muszą konsultować się z placówkami spoza głównego nurtu, w jaki sposób należy korzystać z premii dla tych uczniów. DfE mówi: ​ Szkoły mogą swobodnie wydawać premię dla uczniów według własnego uznania. Będą jednak rozliczani z tego, w jaki sposób wykorzystali dodatkowe fundusze na wsparcie uczniów z rodzin o niskich dochodach. Nowe miary zostaną zawarte w tabelach wyników, które będą ujmowały osiągnięcia uczniów poszkodowanych objętych premią uczniowską. ​ W jaki sposób rodzice i opiekunowie mogą przyczynić się do sukcesu programu Premii dla uczniów? ​ Jeśli Twoje dziecko kwalifikuje się do bezpłatnych posiłków szkolnych, warto je zarejestrować, nawet jeśli nie będzie jadło obiadu szkolnego, a nawet jeśli ma prawo do bezpłatnej kolacji w ramach rządowego programu Universal Infant Free School Meal. Będzie to miało bezpośredni wpływ na finansowanie i zmaksymalizuje wsparcie, jakie możemy zapewnić. ​ Wsparcie i zaangażowanie rodziców jest kluczowym czynnikiem w podnoszeniu standardów. Jeśli potrzebujesz pomocy lub porady w zakresie wspierania swojego dziecka lub jeśli nie masz pewności, jak ubiegać się o rejestrację na bezpłatne posiłki szkolne, skontaktuj się z panią Jacqui Darlington, która jest administratorem świadczenia z premii dla uczniów. Kto ma prawo do bezpłatnych posiłków szkolnych? ​ Twoje dziecko może być uprawnione do bezpłatnych posiłków szkolnych, jeśli masz prawo do otrzymywania któregokolwiek z poniższych: Wsparcie dochodu Zasiłek dla osób poszukujących pracy uzależniony od dochodów Zasiłek na zatrudnienie i wsparcie uzależniony od dochodów Wsparcie na podstawie Części VI Ustawy o imigracji i azylu z 1999 r. gwarantowany element Państwowego Kredytu Emerytalnego Child Tax Credit (pod warunkiem, że nie jesteś również uprawniony do Working Tax Credit i masz roczny dochód brutto nie większy niż 16 190 funtów) Working Tax Credit – wypłacana przez 4 tygodnie po tym, jak przestaniesz kwalifikować się do Working Tax Credit Kredyt uniwersalny Recovery Premium Funding 2023/24 Purpose Recovery premium is part of the government’s package of funding to support pupils whose education has been impacted by COVID-19. It is a time-limited grant providing over £300 million of additional funding for state-funded schools in the 2021/22 academic year and £1 billion across the 2022/23 and 2023/24 academic years. ​ Eligible schools This includes Local authority-maintained schools such as ours. Pupil eligibility Recovery premium allocations for mainstream schools will be based on pupil premium eligibility. This includes: pupils who are recorded as eligible for free school meals or have been recorded as eligible in the past 6 years, including eligible children of families who have no recourse to public funds. children looked after by local authorities, referred to as looked-after children. children previously looked after by a local authority or other state care, referred to as previously looked-after children. Funding rates for academic year 2023/24 Recovery premium allocations for academic year 2023/24 will be calculated on a per pupil basis, based on the following rates. In mainstream education, the rates are: £145 per eligible pupil in primary schools Funding paid to schools. To ensure that recovery premium is focused on effective approaches to raising the educational attainment of disadvantaged pupils, schools must use their recovery premium (and pupil premium) in line with the ‘menu of approaches’ set by the Department for Education. The menu of approaches can be found in ’Using pupil premium: guidance for school leaders ’. The menu has been developed in line with the EEF’s 3-tiered approach to help schools allocate spending across the following 3 areas: supporting high-quality teaching, such as staff professional development providing targeted academic support, such as tutoring tackling non-academic barriers to academic success, such as difficulties with attendance, behaviour and social and emotional wellbeing In line with the EEF’s recommended approach, schools should prioritise high-quality teaching, though the exact balance of spending between tiers will vary depending on the specific needs of pupils. The menu includes tutoring, but recovery premium conditions of grant for the 2022/23 and 2023/24 academic years state that schools must not use the grant to meet their portion of the costs of tuition provided through the National Tutoring Programme (NTP). Recovery premium is not a personal budget for individual pupils, and schools do not have to spend recovery premium so that it solely benefits eligible pupils. Recovery premium can be used to support other pupils with identified needs, such as pupils who have or have had a social worker, or pupils who act as a carer. It can also be used for whole class interventions, for example high-quality teaching, which will also benefit non-disadvantaged pupils. High attaining eligible pupils should receive just as much focus as lower attaining eligible pupils when it comes to spending funding. Evidence shows that eligible pupils who are among the highest performers at key stage 2 are more likely than their non-eligible peers to fall behind by key stage 4. ​ Accountability Schools must show they are using their recovery premium effectively: by publishing a statement on their website which presents an overview of their pupil premium and recovery premium strategy, and demonstrates that their use of the funding meets the requirements of the conditions of grant through inspections by Ofsted - inspectors may discuss plans schools have to spend their pupil premium and recovery premium funding through scrutiny of pupil premium and recovery premium plans by governors and trustees by declaring that they have spent the funding in line with the conditions of grant (including that it has not been spent on NTP) and can demonstrate this upon request ​ See current Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023/24 below Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023.24 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022.23 Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021.22 Pupil Premium Plan 2020.2021 Covid Catch Up Premium Plan 2020.2021

  • Enrichment at Captain Webb | captainwebb

    Enrichment Experiences At Captain Webb our curriculum is designed to instil high aspirations in all of our children and to encourage them to become resilient, life long learners who embrace challenges and continue to grow. Our children will be inspired to follow whichever path they choose whilst being well-rounded, conscientious citizens of our community as well as understanding how they can be global citizens. Our 6C values, understanding of SMSC and British Values enrich and underpin our curriculum to ensure Captain Webb children are prepared and equipped to succeed in their futures in an ever changing world. Our curriculum gives children opportunities to develop enquiring minds and a life long love of learning. We believe in celebrating every success and preparing our children for the future. We pride ourselves on giving our children a range of experiences to bring their learning to life, from hands on workshops, performances and trips to our two residentials a year including our Y6 trip to France, where we see our children develop and become ready for the next step in their journey. ​ Please find below an overview of our enrichment opportunities. Pupil Voice: How would you describe our curriculum at Captain Webb Primary? Pupil Voice: How would you describe our educational visits at Captain Webb Primary? CURRICULUM SUBJECTS >

  • School Uniform | captainwebb

    At Captain Webb Primary School we try hard to make our school uniform as affordable and accessible to parents as is possible. To this extent we have our uniform in navy blue, which is readily available from most retailers, and are happy to accept black or grey trousers and skirts. We do not insist that the uniform is logoed, but we do have a supplier that can provide logoed uniform, which is good quality and at a reasonable price (the company was voted for by the parents). To further help parents with the cost of purchasing uniform we have some second hand uniform available in school, and the school provides a PE kit for each child. For our full uniform policy, including any seasonal changes to uniform, or what to do if you have any concerns, please see below: School Uniform Policy Our school uniform is provided by I Want Workwear Dynamic Court, Halesfield 24, Telford, TF7 4NZ You can view and order the full range online Strój na WF ​ Biała koszulka Granatowe lub czarne spodenki PE Trampki lub trampki Czarne, granatowe lub szare joggery do PE na zewnątrz ​ ​ ​ ​

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