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- Class Assemblies | captainwebb
Zespoły klas Z powodu pandemii Covid 19 nie możemy zaprosić rodziców do szkoły na oglądanie naszych apeli klasowych. Jednak nadal chcielibyśmy dzielić się i świętować naukę każdej klasy. Dlatego zamiast zapraszać rodziców do szkoły, będziemy udostępniać filmy z naszych apeli klasowych na tej stronie naszej witryny. Będą publikowane przez cały rok. Mamy nadzieję, że Ci się spodoba. Captain Webb Primary School YouTube Page Below are some of the most recent assemblies uploaded Y3 - Class Assembly - Volcanoes 2022.01.28 Y6 - Carol Singing 2021.12.10 Y4 - Carol Singing 2021.12.10 Y2 - Carol Singing 2021.12.10 Daycare - Jingle Bells Carol Group 2 2021.12.10 Daycare - Christmas Pudding Carol Group 2 2021.12.10 Y5 - Class Assembly - The Tudors 2021.11.22 Y5 - Carol Singing 2021.12.10 Y3 - Carol Singing 2021.12.10 Y1 - Carol Signing 2021.12.10 Daycare - Jingle Bells Carol Group 2 2021.12.10 Daycare - Christmas Pudding Carol Group 1 2021.12.10
- Curriculum Subjects | captainwebb
Curriculum Subjects You can read more information about each subject that we teach, how we plan lessons, and how we manage the learning progression, by selecting from the links below: Art Computing Cultural Capital D&T Geography History Maths (including numbersense) MFL Music Artsmark PE Phonics PHSE Protective Characteristics RE Reading RSE Science Spelling Spoken Word Writing If you still have any questions, about any of our curriculum subjects, then you can get further information by contacting the school office (01952 386770 or ) and the admin team will be happy to forward your questions to the appropriate subject lead.
- PE | captainwebb
School Games Mark Award 2023.25 Captain Webb received the top accolade for school sport and games: The School Games PLATINUM Award ! This Government led scheme rewards schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. We have achieved this award for 4 years running (excluding COVID years). AWARD WINNING PROVISION OF PE. P.E Curriculum Statement Intent Our intent is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that allows them to develop as confident responsible citizens equipped with the skills that will allow them to be successful in our ever-changing world, both in the present and the future. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives. We constantly provide enrichment opportunities (memorable experiences) to engage learners and develop their cultural capital which has been recognised as essential if children are to succeed. We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge, foster a love of learning and leave our school with exceptional independent learning skills. We are fully committed to developing each child's unique potential within a secure and caring environment. We use our Captain Webb Values to promote positive attitudes to learning: Listen Encourage Achieve Respect Nurture Implementation Physical Education is taught at Captain Webb Primary School as an area of learning, as well as being integrated where possible with other curriculum areas such as Maths where we provide a contextual opportunity for time and measure. We have implemented a curriculum where pupils from the age of 2 to the age of 11 not only enjoy but also allows them to experience a range of activities that broaden their knowledge and experience. PE consists of two hourly lessons per week. During the summer term Year 5 and 6 receive high quality swimming lessons where there is also a focus on performing lifesaving strokes. The key knowledge and skills of each topic are mapped across each year group. This ensures that children develop their knowledge of games, dance, gymnastics, athletics and outdoor and adventurous activity progressively throughout the whole school. The skills in these areas are also developed systematically, with the programme of study for each year group building on previous learning and preparing for subsequent years. Knowledge and skills are informed and linked to enable achievement of key stage end points, as informed by the 2014 National Curriculum. We teach lessons so that children develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. Every lesson requires the children to think of the importance of preparing their body for physical activity, acquiring and developing new knowledge and skills and also evaluating and improving their performances and the performance of others. As part of the Telford School Sport Partnership children are given a wide range of opportunities to engage in inter and intra competitions throughout the year. This allows them to communicate, collaborate and compete against each other on a consistent basis. At Captain Webb we acquire an outside agency to teach PE alongside class teachers. This ensures that every child receives high quality PE and that teachers receive specialist training on a regular basis. This guarantees sustainability. They also provide opportunities for children to extend their school day by taking part in a variety of activities thus supporting their health and well being during the current pandemic crisis. Our PE Curriculum, along with PSHE and science, teaches children about the importance of healthy living and learning about the need for good nutrition. We aim for children to develop the necessary knowledge and skills which will have a positive impact on their future by becoming physically active citizens to benefit their long-term health and well-being. This is delivered during Health Awareness Week which focus on cross curricular links with PSHE and Science. Impact In order to increase our children’s cultural capital, we provide opportunities for the children to; Inter sporting competitions such as the Crossbar cup. A range of intra sporting competitions such as Archery, Boccia and New Age Curling. Arthog Outreach where children experience canoeing, caving and climbing. Arthog residential visit where children experience a variety of outdoor activities such as, orienteering, mining, mountain walk as well as team building activities where children focus on problem solving. France residential visit where children experience survival skills, scavenger hunt and take part in Chateaux Olympics. The school achieves well in a number of sporting activities and achieved a School Games Mark Gold Award in recognition of its PE provision and children’s access to competitive sports which the school has maintained since 2017. The use of external agencies such as West End Dance also demonstrates the positive impact of the Pe curriculum. We are now working towards achieving an AFPE Quality Games Mark Award which acknowledges and celebrates outstanding practice and innovation in Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity. Physical Education Policy 2024.25 P.E. Long Term Plan 2024.25 Athletics Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans Dance Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans Gymnastics Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans Invasion Games Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans Net Games Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans Striking and Fielding Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans Swimming Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans Target Games Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans PE SEND Captain Webb Primary School provides a holistic whole school approach to delivering more than the minimum CMO guidelines of 60 minutes of activity every day. We have achieved this in many ways. Within the school week, we provide all children with 2 hours of timetabled PE. A minimum of 1 hour is delivered by a qualified sports coach with the other hour being delivered by the class teacher. During these lessons children aren’t only taught knowledge about the sport they are playing, they are also taught how to warm up and why this is important. PE is also used as a cross curricular link to support the children’s learning. An example of this is the maths unit which focuses on measure, ordinal numbers and time. Here the measure the length of a jump, order where their friends came in a race and time how long it takes their friends to complete a race. In PSHE children are taught how to keep healthy, this includes knowing how to eat a balanced diet and why this is important. In this current financial crisis, we aim to support the parents as much as possible. So to ensure that all children are able to participate in PE with the correct clothing, we provide them with a universal PE kit. This creates an inclusive environment where everyone feels involved. At Captain Webb we also understand the importance of brain breaks. We engage the children in physical activity during the start of a lesson. This usually takes place in EYFS and KS1 where an introductory video to a lesson that promotes movement is shared. The Jack Hartman channel, which is one of our favourites to use, involves maths skills alongside singing and physical movement. Go Noodle is also used, this can range from dancing, yoga and call and respond movement songs. Our Daily Mile track is used in the afternoons in between lessons as a brain break. Children complete laps around the track and complete activities at different stations during their lap. Our swimming programme changed venues this year as our local swimming pool had closed so this meant finding alternative provision further afield. Although this was stressful and more costly to the school it was worth it seeing the enjoyment on the children’s faces and their amazing progress. Due to COVID our swimming percentage of children who can swim 25 metres unaided plummeted to 20%. We therefore prioritised this and spent extra funding and by the end of the sessions, this had increased to 70%. This is our highest percentage to date. Including the statutory two hours of PE we are very proud that we also provide a range of physical lunch time activities. Children can take part in the following carousel activities: daily mile, football, parachute games, adventure playground, acting out stories in forest school and basketball. In addition to this, we have appointed sports leaders throughout the school. Two children represent each year group. These children attend regular meetings with the PE coordinator. During these meetings the leaders have contributed to the breadth of curriculum and after school club activities. They also supported the coordinator with organising Sports Day and with activities on the day. We also offer a range of other sports clubs after school with the aim of appealing to all children; these include netball, hockey, dance, cricket, athletics, and dodgeball. These clubs are provided by teachers, external sports coaches, and local club volunteers. This year the attendance at these clubs has been higher than ever. Our after-school club (wrap around provision) also offer physical activities and games every evening, as well as access to the climbing frame, hall and the playground. To increase our children’s cultural capital and physical activity, we provide these unique opportunities for the children to take part in; Arthog Outreach where Year 3 and Year 5 students experience canoeing and caving. Arthog residential visit where Year 4 pupils experience a variety of outdoor activities such as, orienteering, mining, mountain walking as well as team building activities where children focus on problem solving. France residential visit where Year 6 children experience survival skills, scavenger hunting and take part in Chateaux Olympics. Furthermore, we have established a wide range of links with clubs and sports centres in our local area which have encouraged children to continue to be active outside of the school environment. These links include secondary schools, Shropshire Cricket Board, Hexagon Telford Tigers Schools Partnership, Tennis Shropshire Schools, Multicultural Development Telford & Wrekin, Bikeability and Sports for Champions. As a school, we also advertise and offer taster sessions and assemblies, where coaches come in and allow the children to experience these sports in the school environment. We have recently acquired a new partnership in Sports for Champions. This partnership offers the children of Captain Webb Primary School the opportunity to raise money whilst exercising alongside a Team GB athlete. Bikeability provides children the opportunity to take part in a practical cycling training course, delivered by Telford & Wrekin Council’s Bikeability Team. Bikeability is a national standard cycle training programme designed to give cyclists the skills and confidence to cycle in modern road conditions. Finally, our association with the Telford School Sports Partnership continues to have a positive impact on our PE curriculum. They provide important CPD opportunities for our school staff to upskill and to ensure the quality of lessons they deliver are at a high level. They also provide engaging sporting festivals and transition events. They arrange inter school sport competitions for all abilities and ages. We have entered many all-inclusive competitions including dodgeball, archery, athletics, kwik cricket, new age kurling and football. We also regularly enter more than one team into competitions, ensuring that we offer not only competition for competing, but also competition for participation. This enables a larger proportion of children to experience a competitive environment and ensures that they are exceeding the minimum requirement of being active for 60 minutes a day. In conclusion, through our provision of lunchtime and afterschool clubs, sports leaders, community links, timetabled PE sessions and a wide range of competitions for all abilities, we provide at least the minimum CMO guidelines of 60 minutes of activity per day. As a result of this, children in our school have active lifestyles and they understand the importance of looking after their body and being healthy. This is something that they take forward with them as they leave Captain Webb Primary School environment and transition into secondary school.
- Staff | captainwebb
OUR SCHOOL STAFF Senior Leadership Team: Headteacher - Mrs Sarah Passey Deputy Head - Mrs Nicola Weston-Blakey Assistant Head (KS1) - Miss Natalie Manns Assistant Head & SENCO (KS2) - Mr Chris Pilling EYS Lead - Mrs S Brannon Early Years: Reception Class 1- Mrs K McGee (Teacher), Mrs S Cecil (TA) Reception Class 2- Mrs Brannon (Teacher), Mrs K Jones (TA) Preschool - Miss L Hallybone (Teacher), Miss E Burns (TA) Nursery Manager - Miss S Cox Daycare - Mrs Amy Lewis (Room Lead), Mrs H Anthony (TA), Miss A Halford (TA), Key Stage 1: Year 1 Class 1- Mrs K Longmore (Teacher), Miss D Evans (TA) Year 1 Class 2- Miss E Robinson (Teacher), Mrs S Reynolds (TA) Year 2 Class 1- Mr A Davies (Teacher) Year 2 Class 2- Miss S Jenkins (Teacher) KS1 Support - Mrs G Limer (TA), Miss M Lloyd (TA) Key Stage 2: Year 3 Class 1- Miss N Manns (Teacher), Mr R Harris (Teacher) Year 3 Class 2- Miss J Roberts (Teacher) Year 3 Support - Mrs C Watkins (TA & Pastoral Support), Miss A Farley (TA) Miss K Willets (TA) Year 4 Class 1- Miss T Read (Teacher) Year 4 Class 2- Miss R Hill (Teacher) Year 4 Support - Mrs C Withers (TA) Year 5 Class 1- Mr C Pilling (Teacher), Mrs F Tranter (Teacher) Year 5 Class 2- Mr S White (Teacher) Year 6 Class 1- Mrs Weston (Teacher) , Miss K Wootton (Teacher) Year 6 Class 2- Miss M Saville(Teacher) KS2 Children's Support - Mrs J Davies (TA), Mrs M Abbey-Offland (TA), Mrs L Fewtrell (TA), Mrs I Perry (TA) Mrs J Garrard (TA) SENCO: Mr C Pilling (Teacher/SENCO) Speech and Language Support : Mrs J Walker (TA) Pastoral: Mrs G Boden (DSL &Pastoral Lead), Mrs C Watkins (Pastoral Support), Mrs J Wheatley (Pastoral Support) Administration: Miss L Sanderson (School Business Manager), Miss J Mansell (Finance Admin), Mrs G Hanafin (Reception and Communications Admin). Caretaker: Mr J Featherstone
- School Uniform | captainwebb
At Captain Webb Primary School we try hard to make our school uniform as affordable and accessible to parents as is possible. To this extent we have our uniform in navy blue, which is readily available from most retailers, and are happy to accept black or grey trousers and skirts. We do not insist that the uniform is logoed, but we do have a supplier that can provide logoed uniform, which is good quality and at a reasonable price (the company was voted for by the parents). To further help parents with the cost of purchasing uniform we have some second hand uniform available in school, and the school provides a PE kit for each child. For our full uniform policy, including any seasonal changes to uniform, or what to do if you have any concerns, please see below: School Uniform Policy Our school uniform is provided by I Want Workwear Dynamic Court, Halesfield 24, Telford, TF7 4NZ You can view and order the full range online Strój na WF Biała koszulka Granatowe lub czarne spodenki PE Trampki lub trampki Czarne, granatowe lub szare joggery do PE na zewnątrz
- British Values | captainwebb
British Values At Captain Webb Primary School we actively take opportunities to teach British values and feel this is embedded through our weekly assemblies and interwoven in our enriching curriculum. We explore the 5 areas of British Values as part of our curriculum: Democracy Rule of law Individual liberty Mutual respect Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs Democracy: Children have the opportunity to have their voices heard through our School Council; the elections of the pupil council are based solely on pupil votes. Class rules are devised and agreed by every member of a class. Pupils are also given opportunities to put themselves forward for other responsibilities within the school. The children are also developed as leaders in different capacities. The Importance of Laws: The importance of laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are consistently reinforced throughout regular school days, as well as when dealing with behaviour and through school assemblies. Our value based 6C system teaches our children the value and reasons behind laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. Visits from authorities such as the Fire Service and the police are regular parts of our calendar and help to reinforce this message. Individual Liberty: Within school, children are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for young pupils to make choices confidently and safely. Our children are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised on how to exercise these safely. This is explored, for example, through our E-Safety curriculum and PSHE lessons. Throughout the academic year, our children are offered the opportunity to participate in numerous extra-curricular clubs, workshops and events which allow them to exercise their individual choice. Mutual Respect: Part of our whole school ethos and behaviour policy has revolved around the six core values of being Caring, Courageous, Cooperative, Calm, Creative and Committed. These are central to every aspect of the children’s learning and allow us to talk about how we learn, foster excellent behaviour and give the children lifelong skills. Our children follow these values in every aspect of school life and have previously been part of discussions and assemblies related to what these values mean and how they are shown. The whole school follows this values led education approach and parents are encouraged to reinforce the importance of the 6Cs at home. Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs: At Captain Webb, we value the diverse ethnic backgrounds of all pupils and families and, where possible, members of different faiths or religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within their classes and the whole school. Assemblies and discussions involving prejudices are followed up and supported by learning in RE and PSHE. Our RE and PSHE curriculum have designated topic areas to focus on and celebrate similarities and differences in other faiths and beliefs. Assemblies, theme weeks and workshops offer our children enriched experiences to deepen their understanding, tolerance and knowledge of our culturally diverse society. Assemblies: British values are central to our assemblies through the teaching of the 6Cs and through highlighting and commemorating key events past and present. These include Remembrance Day which teaches the children about the impact that the two World wars had on Britain and the role that Britain played. Children are also given the opportunity to purchase poppies and the whole school takes part in a minutes silence to show their respect for the thousands that lost their lives during these times. In recent years we have celebrated key British events such as the Olympic Games, the Royal wedding, and the Golden Jubilee through special assemblies and themed lessons. Throughout the school year, the children learn about and support different charities and take part in events such as Children in Need. We feel this is an integral part of the children understanding how they can be well-rounded citizens and help society. British Values in the Curriculum: British Values comes through our curriculum throughout the school. See our curriculum plans for more information. CURRICULUM SUBJECTS >
- Online Safety | captainwebb
Bezpieczeństwo w Internecie Safer Internet Day 2023 This year we once again took part in Safer Internet Day! Our teachers made sure we had space to talk about what devices we use to access the internet, what we do when we are online, what we like about using the internet and what our worries are. We recorded our thoughts and added them to the Safer Internet Day ‘Video Wall’ where industry leaders and online safety experts will listen to our voices! Click here to watch the videos on what each class did for Safer Internet Day Nasze dzieci mieszkają teraz w „Globalnej Wiosce” i ważne jest, abyśmy pracowali razem, aby zapewnić naszym dzieciom bezpieczeństwo zarówno w prawdziwym świecie, jak iw Internecie. Jak dbamy o bezpieczeństwo dzieci w Internecie? W szkole podstawowej Captain Webb dzieci uczą się, jak zachować bezpieczeństwo w Internecie, będąc świadomym swojego zachowania (własnego zachowania w Internecie), wiedząc, co jest i jak znaleźć odpowiednie treści i ryzyko kontaktu zarówno ze strony osób, które znają, jak i osób, które nie wiem. Bezpieczeństwo w sieci jest powiązane z każdą jednostką naszego programu nauczania informatyki (patrz poniżej). Blokujemy cały tydzień pracy tematycznej dla dzieci, aby poznać specyficzne dla wieku aspekty bezpieczeństwa w Internecie podczas „Tygodnia Bezpiecznego Internetu”, a szkołę odwiedza kilka agencji zewnętrznych (takich jak NSPCC, Google i lokalna policja), aby dowiedzieć się o bieżących kwestie bezpieczeństwa w Internecie. Nasza Samorząd Studentów odgrywa aktywną rolę w dyskusjach i podejmowaniu decyzji dotyczących wszystkich aspektów bezpieczeństwa, w tym bezpieczeństwa w Internecie. Odgrywamy aktywną rolę z rodzicami, spotykając się regularnie z każdym, kto może mieć obawy dotyczące bezpieczeństwa swojego dziecka w Internecie. Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek obawy dotyczące bezpieczeństwa w Internecie, nie wahaj się skontaktować i porozmawiać z jednym z naszych ekspertów ds. bezpieczeństwa w Internecie. Wskazówki, jak zapewnić dziecku bezpieczeństwo w Internecie: Dowiedz się, co Twoje dzieci robią w Internecie i z kim rozmawiają. Poproś ich, aby nauczyli Cię korzystać z aplikacji, z których nigdy nie korzystałeś. Trzymanie komputera w pokoju rodzinnym oznacza, że możesz dzielić się doświadczeniami online swojego dziecka – i że jest mniej prawdopodobne, że będzie zachowywać się niewłaściwie (np. za pośrednictwem kamery internetowej). Pomóż swoim dzieciom zrozumieć, że nigdy nie powinny udostępniać swoich danych osobowych znajomym online — dane osobowe obejmują identyfikator komunikatora, adres e-mail, numer telefonu komórkowego oraz zdjęcia przedstawiające siebie, rodzinę lub przyjaciół. Jeśli Twoje dziecko opublikuje zdjęcie lub film w Internecie, każdy może je zmienić lub udostępnić. Przypomnij im, że każdy może oglądać ich zdjęcia i pewnego dnia przyszły pracodawca może to zrobić! Jeśli Twoje dziecko otrzymuje spam/śmieci e-mail i SMS-y, przypomnij mu, aby nigdy im nie wierzył, odpowiedz na nie lub użyj ich. Otwieranie przez dziecko plików pochodzących od osób, których nie zna, nie jest dobrym pomysłem. Nie będą wiedzieć, co zawierają — może to być wirus lub gorzej — nieodpowiedni obraz lub film. Pomóż swojemu dziecku zrozumieć, że niektórzy ludzie kłamią w Internecie, dlatego lepiej jest utrzymywać online partnerów online. Nigdy nie powinni spotykać się z nieznajomymi bez osoby dorosłej, której ufają. Zawsze miej otwartą komunikację, aby dziecko wiedziało, że nigdy nie jest za późno, aby komuś powiedzieć, jeśli coś sprawia, że czuje się nieswojo. Naucz młodych ludzi, jak zablokować kogoś w Internecie i jak zgłosić go, jeśli czuje się nieswojo. Przydatne strony internetowe Te strony mogą być przydatne, jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej o bezpieczeństwie w Internecie: – Centrum Wyzysku Dzieci i Ochrony w Internecie (CEOP) zajmuje się zwalczaniem wykorzystywania seksualnego dzieci. Są agencją rządową, która jest częścią policji w Wielkiej Brytanii i zajmuje się śledzeniem i pociąganiem przestępców do odpowiedzialności bezpośrednio lub we współpracy z siłami lokalnymi i międzynarodowymi. - Centrum Wyzysku Dzieci i Ochrony w Internecie (CEOP) założyło własną edukacyjną stronę internetową, która została zaprojektowana i napisana specjalnie dla dzieci, młodzieży, nauczycieli, rodziców i opiekunów. — Kidsmart to wielokrotnie nagradzana strona internetowa poświęcona bezpieczeństwu w Internecie dla rodziców i osób pracujących z dziećmi. Został on opracowany przez internetową organizację charytatywną dla dzieci Childnet International i zawiera doskonałe informacje na temat wielu technologii używanych przez dzieci, wraz ze wskazówkami, jak „zachować bezpieczeństwo” w Internecie. - Vodafone opracowało tę witrynę we współpracy z mumsnet. Jest bardzo dostępny i dostarcza rodzicom informacji i wskazówek dotyczących zrozumienia cyfrowego świata ich dziecka i większego zaangażowania. Istnieje nawet test on-line, aby sprawdzić, ile wiesz! Physical Security Systems we have in place In addition to teaching our children how to stay safe online we have installed, on our internet and IT systems, several security systems to block and filter out any inappropriate content. The following are some of the in-built security protection systems put in place, on our behalf by T&W: 1. Password management: This is critical, as this is where we all need to play our part. Passwords can be hacked easily if they do not have a good level of complexity, so to help protect your data we use a good, complex passwords. We never share password or leave them lying around. 2. Email protection – All emails go through a filtering system (Sophos) to ensure they do not contain a virus or from a known phishing source. Sophos is a tool that checks the content of the email very quickly and will let us know if it is safe to open. 3. Internet Filtering – We use a product called Smoothwall, this protects against access to certain internet sites and content that you would not want your children to see. 4. Monitoring of activity - Senso is a cloud based, real time monitoring of activity on school owned devices, designed to highlight [to school staff] users who may be vulnerable or at risk to themselves, at risk to others or behaving inappropriately. Senso indicates a potential concern by raising a “violation” when a keyword, acronym or phrase typed, matches against those found within our libraries. It sends automated alerts to the DSL’s. 5. Anti-Virus Software – Windows Defender. This is designed to detect and remove viruses and other kinds of malicious software from schools computers or laptops. 6. A Firewall - At its most basic, a firewall is essentially the barrier that sits between a private internal network and the public Internet, it monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic based on our organisation's previously established security policies 7. Multifactor Authentication (MFA) – This is where you not only have a password but use a secondary device (like an app on a phone) as additional confirmation of the users identity. This increases security because even if one credential becomes compromised, unauthorized users will be unable to meet the second authentication requirement and will not be able to access the system. 8. Geofencing - This helps protect devices and accounts from access from certain ‘high risk’ geographical areas. Online Safety Workshops Y ear 5 and Year 6 took part in workshops run by a lady who works with the GK Consultant Services (who specialise in safeguarding for children). The workshops were aimed specifically at teaching the children to understand about online friendships, consents, sharing images and videos, and how to access help when online. Below is a copy of the PowerPoint used in the workshops. Online Safety Policy 2023.25 Computing Policy 2022.25 Online Safety Audit 2023.24 Online Safety Parents Meeting Minutes 12/07/2023 Dec 2024 Read More Nov 2024 Read More October 2024 Read More September 2024 Read More July 2024 Read More June 2024 Read More May 2024 Read More April 2024 Read More March 2024 Read More Feb 2024 Read More Jan 2024 Read More Nov 2023 Read More
- History | captainwebb
History Curriculum Statement Intent Our intent is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that allows them to develop as confident responsible citizens equipped with the skills that will allow them to be successful in our ever-changing world, both in the present and the future. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives. We constantly provide enrichment opportunities (memorable experiences) to engage learners and develop their cultural capital which has been recognised as essential if children are to succeed. We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge, foster a love of learning and leave our school with exceptional independent learning skills. We are fully committed to developing each child's unique potential within a secure and caring environment. We use our Captain Webb Values to promote positive attitudes to learning: Listen Encourage Achieve Respect Nurture At Captain Webb, our intent, when teaching history, is to stimulate the children’s curiosity in order for them to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding. History is all around us. The study of history ignites our children’s curiosity about the past in Britain and the wider world. Through finding out about how and why the world, our country, culture and local community have developed over time, children understand how the past influences the present. History enables children to develop a context for their growing sense of identity and a chronological framework for their knowledge of significant events and people. What they learn through history can influence their decisions about personal choices, attitudes and values. We provide a vibrant, varied and engaging experience for all children. History at our school helps pupils to make sense of the present as well as the past, it enables them to appreciate the complexity and diversity of human societies and development. We wish to develop a curiosity for the subject, as well as an understanding and acceptance of the validity and importance of all types of history. Educational visit to museums and other learned sites provides children with a fantastic starting point for every topic. We are committed to ensuring children understand the value and importance of history in the wider community, and are able to use their historical skills, knowledge, and experiences to involve themselves in history in a variety of different contexts, both through local history and through some of the most storied civilisations on Earth. Implementation Our whole curriculum is shaped by our school vision which aims to enable all children, regardless of background, ability, additional needs, to flourish to become the very best version of themselves they can possibly be. History topics are taught in 2 weekly blocks across the academic year, enabling students to fully immerse themselves in the program of study. We teach the National Curriculum, supported by a clear skills and knowledge progression. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on year by year and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. It is important that the children develop progressive skills of a historian throughout their time at Captain Webb and do not just learn a series of facts about the past. In History, pupils at Captain Webb, find evidence, weigh it up and reach their own conclusion. To do this successfully, as historians, they need to be able to research, interpret evidence, including primary and secondary sources, and have the necessary skills to argue for their point of view; a skill that will help them in their adult life. Impact By the time the children at Captain Webb leave our school they will have developed: A secure knowledge and understanding of people, events and contexts from the historical periods covered. The ability to think critically about history and communicate confidently in styles appropriate to a range of audiences. The ability to consistently support, evaluate and challenge their own and others’ views using detailed, appropriate and accurate historical evidence derived from a range of sources. The ability to think, reflect, debate, discuss and evaluate the past, forming and refining questions and lines of enquiry. A passion for history and an enthusiastic engagement in learning, which develops their sense of curiosity about the past and their understanding of how and why people interpret the past in different ways. A respect for historical evidence and the ability to make robust and critical use of it to support their explanations and judgements. A desire to embrace challenging activities, including opportunities to undertake high-quality research across a range of history topics. History Policy 2024.25 History Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans History Focussed Strand Grid
- Early Help at Captain Webb | captainwebb
Early Help at Captain Webb At Captain Webb Primary we recognise the challenges that families face in bringing up children. Everyone needs help at some point in their lives and therefore an ethos of early help is important for any school. There maybe times when you need extra help, support or advice. If this is the case please come and talk to us, we are here to help. Children, young people and families develop resilience if there are protective factors in place such as: a positive relationship with an adult, good literacy and communication skills, good school attendance and parents in or actively seeking work. Children's needs are best met when help is offered in a universal setting within a socially mixed group and early on when problems start to emerge. Children and young people’s needs are best met when addressed in the context of the whole family, meaning that parents/carers and siblings needs are addressed, with consent, as part of a holistic and integrated early help response. Early help services should support and strengthen families, so that they can thrive. How can I access Early Help at captain Webb? Your class teacher is your first point of contact for any issues or concerns. Teachers are responsible for the well being of all the children in their class and will liaise and signpost to other staff members as required. Our early help assessment lead at Captain Webb Primary is Mrs Gemma Boden. Mrs Boden is contactable by email or phone. Email: or by calling the main school office on 01952 386 770. Heading 1
- Attendance | captainwebb
Obecność w szkole Cele i zadania Rada Zarządzająca Kapitana Webba Primary przywiązuje dużą wagę do osiągania standardów i uważa, że doskonała frekwencja uczniów i punktualność są niezbędne. Aby dzieci mogły osiągnąć swój potencjał, uczniowie muszą być silnie zmotywowani do nauki oraz chętni i chętni do uczęszczania do szkoły. Regularna, punktualna obecność wyrobi dobre nawyki, które będą wspierać ich przez całe życie. Aby to osiągnąć, Zarządcy i personel zobowiązują się do współpracy z rodzicami, aby zapewnić, że szkoła osiągnie MINIMUM 96% frekwencji w całej szkole. Rząd oczekuje od nas: • Promuj dobrą frekwencję i ograniczaj absencję, w tym nieobecność stałą (mniej niż 90%); • Zapewnienie każdemu uczniowi dostępu do edukacji w pełnym wymiarze godzin, do której ma prawo; • Działaj wcześnie, aby zająć się wzorcami nieobecności. Szkoła podstawowa Captain Webb współpracuje z rodzicami i władzami lokalnymi w celu poprawy frekwencji w szkole. Nieobecność zakłóca edukację pojedynczego ucznia i całej klasy. Czy zdajesz sobie sprawę, że dzieci, które nie uczęszczają regularnie: Nie osiągaj dobrych wyników na egzaminach Trudno utrzymać przyjaźnie Są bardziej skłonni do angażowania się w przestępczość Pomiń możliwości dalszego kształcenia i świata pracy. Jak wypada Twoje dziecko? Nieobecność może być autoryzowana wyłącznie przez dyrektora, w granicach określonych w przepisach dotyczących edukacji (rejestracji uczniów) (Anglia) 2006. Dyrektorzy nie mogą udzielać zgody na urlop w czasie semestru, z wyjątkiem wyjątkowych okoliczności. Opiekun ds. edukacji (EWO) - Helen Carolina Attendance Policy School Opening Times The school gates open at 8:35am and classes start at 8:45am . Any child arriving after 8:45am will be marked as late. It is important to ensure your child in in school for the start of class as this is an important time to settle and prepare for the day ahead as well as receiving instructions and introductions into the first lesson. School finishes at 3:15pm . DfE - Working Together To Improve School Attendance Guidance (including changes to penalties for absence) From August 19th 2024 the Government have introduced a new ‘national framework for Penalty Notices’. (in Telford & Wrekin the changes apply from 1st September 2024). There are significant changes that parents need to be aware of: If your child has 10 sessions of unauthorised absence in a 10 school week rolling period, you may be issued with a Penalty Notice. These 10 sessions may include any unauthorised absence, including leave in term time and do not have to be consecutive. Penalty Notices are increasing to £160 from September 2024. This can be reduced to £80 but only for the first Penalty Notice issued, if paid within 21 days – this reduction does not apply to any subsequent Penalty Notice. Any 2nd Penalty Notice, to the same parent for the same child, issued within three years of the date of the first Penalty Notice will be charged at a flat rate of £160 A third Penalty Notice will not be issued within a three year rolling period, to the same parent for the unauthorised absence of the same child, - alternative action or legal measures will be utilised for subsequent offences. If in an individual case the local authority believes a Penalty Notice would be appropriate, they retain the discretion to issue one before the threshold is met. For example, when a parent purposefully tries to avoid a Penalty Notice by taking their child out of school when there is only four pupil days in school and the fifth day is for example a PD day or bank holiday attached to that week. In some circumstances a ‘Notice to Improve’ may be issued – However, a Notice to Improve will only be used in cases where support is appropriate. They will not be issued in cases of unauthorised leave in term time for holidays, where information for parents is included on school’s website or a simple warning by the school that a Penalty Notice could be issued if unauthorised leave in term time is taken will suffice. ‘Parents should always apply to the Headteacher for any request for leave in term time by completing a request form available from school. (DfE guidance states schools should not authorise leave retrospectively so any leave in term time taken without a request being submitted will be unauthorised absence)’. In developing and publishing the new national framework, the Government has renewed appeals to parents not to take their children out of school during term time. The Governors and Headteacher of this school support this and students will only be given permission to take leave in term time if there are exceptional circumstances. The DfE Guidance Working Together to Improve School Attendance (Aug 2024) states that: Generally, the DfE does not consider the need or desire for a holiday or other absence for the purpose of leisure and recreation to be an exceptional circumstance. (Paragraph 38.) Each application for leave in term time will be considered and if it is agreed and authorised the Headteacher will determine the duration of any leave. However, if the application is not agreed and the absence occurs the dates will be unauthorised. Parents will be notified of any decision in writing. This notification may be hand delivered directly to the parent or posted to the parents’ home address. As a school we are asked to inform you that in line with Telford and Wrekin Council Policy, if your child is absent for 10 school sessions within a 10 week rolling period and that absence is unauthorised, you may be subject to a Penalty Notice fine, criteria is as detailed above. Link to DfE full Guidance on 'Working together to improve school attendance - August 2024' Below is the presentation shared with parents (on the 7/10/2024) outlining the changes to Working together to Improve Attendance (released Aug 2024), and how it will affect parents. Slide1 Slide2 Slide18 Slide1 1/18 CAPTAIN WEBB PRIMARY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE DATA 6th Sept 2023- 22 July 2024
- RSE | captainwebb
Związki i edukacja seksualna Układanka PSHE w szkole podstawowej im. Kapitana Webba W szkole podstawowej Captain Webb używamy Jigsaw do dostarczania naszego programu nauczania PSHE. Jigsaw łączy edukację osobistą, społeczną, zdrowotną i ekonomiczną, edukację emocjonalną, umiejętności społeczne i rozwój duchowy w programie lekcji w tygodniu. Zaprojektowany jako podejście obejmujące całą szkołę, Jigsaw zapewnia kompleksowy schemat nauki od etapu podstawowego do 6. roku nauki. Związki i edukacja seksualna W naszej szkole realizujemy relacje i edukację seksualną poprzez system pracy Jigsaw, który jest zapewniany przez Stowarzyszenie PSHE. Poniżej możesz zobaczyć przegląd każdego roku programu nauczania relacji i edukacji seksualnej oraz zobaczyć, w jaki sposób jest on powiązany z PSHE oraz społecznymi i emocjonalnymi aspektami uczenia się. Proszę również znaleźć „Przewodnik dla rodziców” po związkach i edukacji seksualnej, który został opracowany przez Jigsaw. RSE Policy 2022-25 RSE Overview Year 6 Read More RSE Overview Year 5 Read More RSE Overview Year 4 Read More RSE Overview Year 3 Read More RSE Overview Year 2 Read More RSE Overview Year 1 Read More Aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat realizowanego przez nas programu nauczania PSHE, prosimy o kontakt z biurem szkoły w celu umówienia spotkania z odpowiednim członkiem personelu, korzystając z danych kontaktowych poniżej. Kliknij powyższy obrazek, aby uzyskać dostęp do przewodnika dla rodziców i opiekunów
- Computing | captainwebb
Computing Curriculum Statement Computing Curriculum Statement Intent Our intent is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering computing curriculum that allows them to develop as confident, experienced and responsible users of technology. We want our children to be equipped with the knowledge and skills that will allow them to be successful in our ever-changing world, both in the present and in the future. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives and so, where appropriate, computing knowledge and skills are applied to theme-based tasks to make learning creative, accessible and engaging. We want our pupils to be fluent with a range of devices, applications and hardware and aim that by Upper Key Stage 2, children have the independence and confidence to choose the best tool to fulfil whatever task or challenge they may encounter. We understand that the use of technology brings with it inherent risks. We believe that our children should be equipped with the knowledge, skills and understanding to use technology safely and respectfully, in order to become positive contributors to our world’s ‘global village’. We believe that our children should not only reach their best academically, but also develop a thirst for knowledge, foster a love of learning and leave our school with exceptional independent learning skills. We are fully committed to developing each child's unique potential within a secure and caring environment. Implementation Computing is taught at Captain Webb Primary School as an area of learning, as well as being integrated, where appropriate, through cross curricular links. We have implemented a curriculum where pupils from the age of 2 to the age of 11 not only enjoy but also experience a range of activities that broaden their knowledge and understanding. Computing consists of one unit per half term, which is either taught in a weekly lesson or as ‘Computing Days’, where children are able to immerse themselves in the progression of knowledge and skills of a particular area of learning and apply them within a given context. The key knowledge and skills of each topic are mapped across each year group. This ensures that children develop their knowledge of computer systems and networks, various forms of digital media, data and information, and programming, progressively throughout the whole school. The skills in these areas are also developed systematically, with the programme of study for each year group building on previous learning and preparing for subsequent years. Knowledge and skills are informed and linked to enable achievement of key stage end points, as informed by the 2014 National Curriculum. Throughout the Computing units taught in each year group, children learn to use and express themselves and develop their ideas. For example, when writing and presenting with desktop publishing or exploring art and design using digital media. Children develop practical skills in the safe use of computers and the internet, and the ability to apply these skills to real-life scenarios. For example, understanding safe use of social media, computer networks and email. We teach children to understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation. Children are also taught to analyse problems in computational terms and have repeated practical and progressive experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems. We also teach a progression of computing vocabulary to support children in the development of their computing knowledge. Online safety is taught broadly and regularly at Captain Webb Primary School. We understand that Online Safety concerns not only digital tools and spaces, but also behaviour. Where appropriate, Online Safety is taught within Computing lessons. For example, when children learn about computer systems and networks, they learn about the importance of how data on networks can be copied and shared, and the importance of securing data on networks. In addition, Online Safety is taught during PSHE lessons. For example, when children learn about bullying, cyber bullying is included in context. Children are also taught Online Safety during a blocked ‘Online Safety Week’, where the eight strands of ‘Education for a Connected World’ (self-image and identity, online relationships, online reputation, online bullying, managing online information, health well-being and lifestyle, privacy and security, copyright and ownership) are taught in depth to key phases across the whole school. The evaluated impact of ‘Online Safety Week’ is used to direct further opportunities to develop our children’s knowledge and understanding of Online Safety, such as additional PSHE lessons, assemblies delivered by online agencies and targeted displays. Impact The implementation of this curriculum ensures that when children leave Captain Webb Primary School, they are safe, competent and creative users of technology. They will have developed skills to express themselves creatively using a range of digital media and be equipped to apply their skills in programming to different challenges and scenarios. Our children will know the risks of using digital technology and will be able to use it safely, respectfully and positively. They will have a secure and comprehensive knowledge of the opportunities and potential for the use of technology and digital systems in our world, both now and in the future. This is important in a society where technologies and trends are rapidly evolving. Children will be able to apply the British values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law and liberty when using digital systems. They will have increased cultural capital by seeing how computer networks, systems, devices, applications and hardware are used in real-life situations for their own benefit, and the benefit of wider society. The pictures below show examples of computing curriculum progression through the years: Online Safety Policy 2023.25 Online Safety Audit 2023.24 Computing Policy 2024.25 Device and Technology Acceptable use Agreement for pupils Computing Skills and Knowledge Progression Plans 2024.25 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6